Your strength comes from your center.
Group Pilates classes, workshops and teacher training in Leipzig, Germany.
About Me
Martina Schliessler
I have been teaching Pilates in Leipzig since 2020. In 2022 I graduated from the Polestar Comprehensive Studio Pilates course in Cologne. This provided me with a thorough understanding of teaching Pilates on all large apparatus (Reformer, Chair, Ladder Barrel, Cadillac) as well as with small apparatus. I also received training specific to working one-on-one with persons with medical conditions such as herniated discs, carpal tunnel syndrome and shoulder impingements, to name a few. My style of cueing is anatomical and tactile.
I believe in making classes inclusive and accessible to all body shapes and types and all fitness levels. I also enjoy teaching classes with music that I carefully curate and in English, which is my native language.
Workshops and Teacher Training
Starting February 2025
Reformer Instructor
This 200-hour teacher training course is intended for movement instructors who would like to begin teaching Reformer classes at Ayana studio. Applicants must be proficient in English and German, must have a previous certification and experience as a movement instructor, (such as in Yoga, Dance, Pilates, Mobility, etc.), and must have knowledge of human anatomy.
For more information and to sign up, message [email protected]
15. February 2025
Pilates Crash Kurs
Dieser vierstündige Workshop präsentiert einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Ansatz zur Pilates-Methode, der anatomisch basiertes Cueing betont. Er richtet sich speziell an Übungsleiter:innen in Bereichen wie Yoga, Fitness, Tanz und ähnlichem, die Interesse an der Pilates-Methode haben.
Pilates crash kurs
12. April 2025
Pilates für deine Ausrichtung
Gemeinsam untersuchen wir in diesem Workshop die Grundlagen der Ausrichtung und der Bewegung. Nach einer Einführung in die Anatomie der Körperhaltung finden wir gemeinsam unsere Stärken und identifizieren Baustellen. Du entwickelst deinen mini-Trainingsplan und kleine Korrekturen für den Alltag, für einen aufrechten Gang und mehr Sicherheit in der Bewegung.
Pilates für deine Ausrichtung